[ FAQ`s ]

Most Popular Questions

What is required from the client during the design step?

This stage is characterized by extreme importance as it requires many things
in the project, so we always advise the client to slow down, not to rush, not to
be preoccupied with later matters such as designing exterior or designing
interior decoration, and focusing on the designer's requests and reviewing
them with him until we choose the suitable design for the client that achieves
his satisfaction, and therefore we find that this stage is open to modifications

until the customer approves the design.

How can | choose the contractor?

In fact, the answer to this question requires an article to explain the perfect
mechanism that avoids the client from many problems during implementation,
so we see that the consultant is the best person to assist the client in this
decision, as he has the experience and is technically and administratively able
to nominate the most suitable contractor for the project, especially since the
consultant is under specialization that can review the contract documents, the
project constitution, to include their integrity in the way to achieve the interests
of the project and include its optimal termination. Therefore, we advise the
client not to take this decision alone without review or confirmation by the
consultant so as not to be manipulated or exploited by people who are not

experts in it.

How to choose the right consultant for the project?

The client can choose the consultant by asking about him in government
departments, and through a group of clients who work with them, visiting the
sites supervised by the office to evaluate the level of supervision, to arrange
one or two visits to the office to see it's previous work and requesting an
elementary proposal for the project to consider the level of design in the office.
‘We can be certain that the client's role in the project is limited to looking for a
good consultant who has a reputation in the labor market by considering him

the owner's representative and agent in the construction phase.

Is the client required to follow up on his project, implementation and commut ite with the contractor ?

There is no doubt that the client has the right to see all the details of his project
and to be assured of the progress of the work and to ensure the progress of
the project according to the schedule and according to the contracted
specifications. Regarding communication with the contractor and not through

the consultant, itis definitely harmful to the interest of the project and

compensates the client for the loss of his rights, because the consultant in his
capacity is the one who can communicate with the contractor and direct him in
a technically sound language that achieves the interest of the project and

preserves the rights of all parties.

Our office takes into account the clients desire to modify the execution

sometimes by inviting the client when executing the first brick cycle in the site
so that he reviews the spaces on the nature in which the holes are located and
also chooses the places for distributing lights and switches after the completion
of the brickwork and before the start of the plastering work. This allows the
customer to adjust according to his desire without any price differences for the


What's the bidding? And why isn'the project assigned particular contractor without it ?

The tender is the process of preparing documents and plans of the project in
the right way that is in the interest of the project and ensures that itis finished
on time and at the required quality, and then send these documents plans to a
group of contractors selected under professional criteria so that each
contractor pricing and retransmitting the consultant so that the process of
review and correction of prices is carried out and then presented to Mr. Owner
to choose the contractor, and the principle of the tender was found to achieve
the element of competition in prices and not single out a particular company to

put an inflated price. ]

How to preserve a client's rights if there's a delay in the project ?

Preserving the rights of the client through the integrity of the contract
documents - the role of the consultant - and the presence of strong and clear
points that obligate the contractor to afford his responsibility, and also through
supervision, follow-up, and documentation of any delays that occur in the
project due to the main contractor, which is a matter that requires the client to
make a good effort in choosing the consultant who will represent him in the


Could the client have delayed the prt

actually yes. The delay in payments significantly affects the duration of the
project, and the contractor has the right to demand an additional amount. Also,
the customer's delay in approving the samples of the finishing materials
negatively affects the duration. Therefore, we advise customers to start
adopting the finishing materials at an advanced stage of the project as soon as

the concrete structure is finished to avoid any delay.

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